1 USD in Other Currencies
Dollar $ Exchange Conversions
Currency Exchange Currency:USD Today
Dollar $ Major Pairs
1 Dollar $ to Euros USD/EUR 0.9233 -0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Swiss Francs USD/CHF 0.8661 0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Pounds USD/GBP 0.7682 -0.05%
1 Dollar $ to Australian Dollars USD/AUD 1.4917 -0.11%
1 Dollar $ to Yens USD/JPY 149.94 -0.18%
1 Dollar $ to Canadian Dollars USD/CAD 1.3794 -0.01%
Dollar $ All Pairs
1 Dollar $ to Dubai Dirhams USD/AED 3.6730 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Albanian Leks USD/ALL 91.1635 0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Armenian Drams USD/AMD 387.47 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Argentine Pesos USD/ARS 980.75 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Australian Dollars USD/AUD 1.4917 -0.11%
1 Dollar $ to Bangladeshi Takas USD/BDT 119.90 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Bulgarian Levs USD/BGN 1.8063 -0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Bahraini Dinars USD/BHD 0.3770 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Bolivian Bolivianos USD/BOB 6.9324 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Brazilian Reals USD/BRL 5.6532 -0.03%
1 Dollar $ to Bitcoins USD/BTC 0.0000 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Botswana Pulas USD/BWP 13.3337 -0.07%
1 Dollar $ to Canadian Dollars USD/CAD 1.3794 -0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Swiss Francs USD/CHF 0.8661 0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Chilean Pesos USD/CLP 946.41 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Chinese Yuans USD/CNY 7.1223 -0.02%
1 Dollar $ to Colombian Pesos USD/COP 4,252.75 0.04%
1 Dollar $ to Costa Rican Colons USD/CRC 516.12 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Cuban Pesos USD/CUP 24.0782 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Korunas USD/CZK 23.2999 0.03%
1 Dollar $ to Djiboutian Francs USD/DJF 178.66 0.53%
1 Dollar $ to Danish Kronors USD/DKK 6.8858 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Dominican Pesos USD/DOP 60.3570 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Algerian Dinars USD/DZD 133.45 0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Egyptian Pounds USD/EGP 48.6291 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Ethiopian Birrs USD/ETB 120.99 593.46%
1 Dollar $ to Euros USD/EUR 0.9233 -0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Fijian Dollars USD/FJD 2.2574 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Pounds USD/GBP 0.7682 -0.05%
1 Dollar $ to Georgian Laris USD/GEL 2.7200 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Ghana Cedis USD/GHS 16.0450 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Gambian Dalasis USD/GMD 69.5000 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Guinean Francs USD/GNF 8,654.62 0.23%
1 Dollar $ to Guatemalan Quetzals USD/GTQ 7.7570 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Hong Kong Dollars USD/HKD 7.7722 -0.02%
1 Dollar $ to Honduran Lempiras USD/HNL 24.9776 -0.45%
1 Dollar $ to Croatian Kunas USD/HRK 7.0458 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Haitian Gourdes USD/HTG 132.08 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Hungarian Forints USD/HUF 369.45 -0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Indonesian Rupiahs USD/IDR 15,516.05 -0.05%
1 Dollar $ to Shekels USD/ILS 3.7317 -0.12%
1 Dollar $ to Indian Rupees USD/INR 84.0650 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Iraqi Dinars USD/IQD 1,314.28 0.33%
1 Dollar $ to Iranian Rials USD/IRR 42,102.50 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Icelandic Kronors USD/ISK 137.65 -0.12%
1 Dollar $ to Jamaican Dollars USD/JMD 159.22 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Jordanian Dinars USD/JOD 0.7089 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Yens USD/JPY 149.94 -0.18%
1 Dollar $ to Kenyan Shillings USD/KES 129.00 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Cambodian Riels USD/KHR 4,073.36 0.33%
1 Dollar $ to Comorian Francs USD/KMF 454.85 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to South Korean Wons USD/KRW 1,372.04 0.06%
1 Dollar $ to Kuwaiti Dinars USD/KWD 0.3066 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Tenges USD/KZT 486.62 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Lao Kips USD/LAK 22,005.01 0.41%
1 Dollar $ to Lebanese Pounds USD/LBP 89,840.85 0.32%
1 Dollar $ to Sri Lankan Rupees USD/LKR 293.81 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Libyan Dinars USD/LYD 4.8223 0.36%
1 Dollar $ to Moroccan Dirhams USD/MAD 9.9099 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Moldovan Leus USD/MDL 17.8024 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Malagasy Ariarys USD/MGA 4,589.55 0.10%
1 Dollar $ to Macedonian Denars USD/MKD 56.8205 0.02%
1 Dollar $ to Mexican Pesos USD/MXN 19.8188 -0.13%
1 Dollar $ to Malaysian Ringgits USD/MYR 4.3075 -0.09%
1 Dollar $ to Nigerian Nairas USD/NGN 1,637.67 0.17%
1 Dollar $ to Norwegian Kronors USD/NOK 10.9105 -0.07%
1 Dollar $ to Nepalese Rupees USD/NPR 134.95 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to New Zealand Dollars USD/NZD 1.6496 -0.04%
1 Dollar $ to Omani Rials USD/OMR 0.3850 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Philippine Pesos USD/PHP 57.7450 -0.05%
1 Dollar $ to Pakistani Rupees USD/PKR 278.70 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Polish Zlotys USD/PLN 3.9775 -0.03%
1 Dollar $ to Guaranis USD/PYG 7,881.69 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Qatari Riyals USD/QAR 3.6579 0.48%
1 Dollar $ to Romanian Leus USD/RON 4.5920 -0.01%
1 Dollar $ to Serbian Dinars USD/RSD 108.02 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Russian Rubles USD/RUB 97.3978 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Rwandan Francs USD/RWF 1,366.34 1.21%
1 Dollar $ to Saudi Riyals USD/SAR 3.7561 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Seychellois Rupees USD/SCR 13.6200 -2.54%
1 Dollar $ to Sudanese Pounds USD/SDG 601.50 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Special Drawing Rightss USD/SDR 0.7500 0.19%
1 Dollar $ to Swedish Kronors USD/SEK 10.5449 0.04%
1 Dollar $ to Singapore Dollars USD/SGD 1.3139 -0.03%
1 Dollar $ to Somali Shillings USD/SOS 573.37 0.42%
1 Dollar $ to Syrian Pounds USD/SYP 2,511.50 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Thai Bahts USD/THB 33.1130 -0.23%
1 Dollar $ to Tunisian Dinars USD/TND 3.1031 0.25%
1 Dollar $ to Turkish Liras USD/TL 34.1892 0.17%
1 Dollar $ to New Taiwan Dollars USD/TWD 32.1360 0.02%
1 Dollar $ to Tanzanian Shillings USD/TZS 2,725.00 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Ukrainian Hryvnias USD/UAH 41.3622 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Ugandan Shillings USD/UGX 3,685.51 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Uruguayan Pesos USD/UYU 41.8418 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Uzbekistani Soms USD/UZS 12,844.45 0.15%
1 Dollar $ to Venezuelan Bolivars USD/VEF 4.3320 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to Central African Cfa Francs USD/XAF 605.74 0.35%
1 Dollar $ to Gold Prices USD/XAU 0.0004 -0.27%
1 Dollar $ to Silver Prices USD/XAG 0.0313 -0.71%
1 Dollar $ to East Caribbean Dollars USD/XCD 2.7026 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to West African Cfa Francs USD/XOF 605.75 0.37%
1 Dollar $ to CFP Francs USD/XPF 110.13 -0.42%
1 Dollar $ to Yemeni Rials USD/YER 250.38 0.00%
1 Dollar $ to South African Rands USD/ZAR 17.6567 -0.16%